• TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    There is literally nothing stopping you from doing this, while also transitioning people away from petrol cars to much, much cleaner cars.

    Not everyone is privileged enough to live in a city. Especially not one that has great transport links and lots of stuff nearby.

    Cars will be around for decades, whether you (or I!) like it or not, so it makes sense for them to be as low-impact as we can make them.

    • FireRetardant@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      As we replace ICE cars with EVs people will think “problem solved” and refuse to fund transit, bike lanes, denser housing. I see the point you are making but I’m worried society’s capitalist attitude will use EVs as an excuse to kick the can of centric planning down the road.

      We need to both. We need to bring all urban areas up to walkable standards and make them serviceable by transit. We need to provide EVs for rural people and those who refuse any other mode of transit for whatever reasons.

      Just building the same way but with EVs instead of ICEs is still a massive impact on the environment. It wastes vasts amount of valuable urban lands while also being one of the least energy effecient modes of travel.