In your legalized sex brothels, do you legally have to pay a portion of your paycheck to the house?
If you’re working for yourself, do you have to purchase a license from the government, and do your own taxes and all that on your income?
It depends on the contract between the brothel and the sex worker, a normal employment where you get paid by the brothel and your taxes are deducted automatically is possible, but it will probably mostly be freelance, with the worker paying the brothel for services rendered; in some establishments, you pay 5-30€ flat-tax per day (with receipt), which the brothel paying that to the state and you do your taxes at the end of the year and then get a tax return (or have to pay more).
In your legalized sex brothels, do you legally have to pay a portion of your paycheck to the house? If you’re working for yourself, do you have to purchase a license from the government, and do your own taxes and all that on your income?
It depends on the contract between the brothel and the sex worker, a normal employment where you get paid by the brothel and your taxes are deducted automatically is possible, but it will probably mostly be freelance, with the worker paying the brothel for services rendered; in some establishments, you pay 5-30€ flat-tax per day (with receipt), which the brothel paying that to the state and you do your taxes at the end of the year and then get a tax return (or have to pay more).
[email protected] posted this, which gives a good overview.
Yeah that’s fucking pimping with extra steps.