I am sure this will be super effective and will not cost any money at all.

  • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
    111 month ago

    A reminder to anybody that isn’t aware, that the structure of our economy requires a level of unemployment to keep wage demands low and combat inflation (even when the bulk of that inflation is imported through overseas cost & profiteering).

    So the economy guarantees some people won’t have jobs, and this government aims to be punitive to those people who don’t have jobs; including the people the same government is actively forcing out of employment.

    • @BalpeenHammerOP
      31 month ago

      The number of people unemployed is not as important as the number of people who are not in a union. The people being canned from government positions will be replaced with contractors who will cost more but will not be in a union.

  • @Ozymati
    11 month ago

    It’s just the Work4U seminar back again. At least this time it’s after benefit grant instead of trying to make people attend it first in the insane belief that attending a seminar would somehow reduce benefit uptake instead of just delaying people’s access to help.