Unless you’re doing it wrong by like… adding sugar or something.
Time for another cup, I had 2 large heaped teaspoons of Gyokuro this morning, now I’ll have some China Jasmine.
Unless you’re doing it wrong by like… adding sugar or something.
Time for another cup, I had 2 large heaped teaspoons of Gyokuro this morning, now I’ll have some China Jasmine.
It’s hard to say how much I drink, because a cup is very vague. I would guess though that I am drinking 5 or 6 cups minimum going by 1 teaspoon per cup.
I really feel the caffeine hitting, and no longer need midday/afternoon naps.
It’s less cracky and peaky than coffee, and the duration is longer, so … yeah probably wouldn’t want to overdo it too much because you’ll be a long time coming down.