Does anyone know how Connectwise RMM does scripting deployments FROM other RMM tools? We are having a tough time trying to figure out how to pass our site tokens through as part of an installation script from DattoRMM, and none of the documentation seems to align correctly. Someone told us it would be something like

msiexec /q /i “%tempdir%\AsioAgentIinstaller.msi”  TOKEN=@RMMSiteToken@ /L*V “%tempdir%\AsioAgentInstaller.log”

but we’re not seeming to have much luck with that.

Has anyone successfully scripted their deployment/migration from DattoRMM to CWRMM, and if so, how? We’re absolutely vexed at this.

  • @d3Xt3r
    2 months ago

    This is a general tech community, mostly centered around news and end-user technology discussions, so it’s very unlikely you’ll get an answer here. Might want to try asking on Reddit or some dedicated Datto/Connectwise forum.