Corrections has spent over $305,000 on slushy syrup and maintaining frozen ice machines in the past six years.

The news comes as proposed job cuts ravage the public service with 3460 jobs set for the chopping block, as part of the cost savings drive.

The slushy machines caused controversy in 2019 when it was revealed Corrections had spent over $1 million of taxpayer money on 193 slushy machines.

The then-National leader Simon Bridges called it “irresponsible and wasteful spending” at the time but then-Corrections minister Kelvin Davis said was about health and safety.

Since then the slushy fund has continued with 160 of the 193 original machines still in use and $305,906 spent on syrup, maintaining them.

  • @Xcf456
    82 months ago

    100% my first thought too. Cultivate the vibes of enormous public sector waste that doesn’t stand up to basic scrutiny, in terms of substance or scale.

    Then people get shocked Pikachu face when the so called waste getting cut is actually school lunches, hospitals, customs officers and so on because this stuff is miniscule compared to the targets the govt has set, and the amount they want to give away in tax cuts.