I put it on movies and tv sub too they too downvoated and didn’t give an answer.

  • @SomeoneSomewhere
    725 months ago

    It honestly seems like these are questions that don’t need asking.

    You’ve provided no context about what you like and don’t like, so you won’t get any kind of a personalised response.

    What are you expecting to get out of asking this as a question, that you don’t get by simply going to Rotten Tomatoes?

    This would be a waste of commenters’ time, and that’s why it’s being downvoted.

    • @[email protected]
      195 months ago

      Exactly. And I’d say if someone bothers to post that question, they are clearly interested in it. So why not watch an episode or two and see if you like it? It’s not exactly a life-changing decision.

      Personally, I’d much rather form my own opinion regarding shows, instead of relying on the opinion of others. I’ve hated shows that others loved and loved shows that others hated.