It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don’t think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.

  • Sim
    9 months ago

    In the 70s we had a cassette tape kids story about a wizard who lived in a mountain and kept all the winds in a box.

    The story was about someone who went in and retrieved the winds.

    It involved blowing up sections of passageways (the narrator talked of lighting the blue touchpaper), and the wizard woke up and chased the hero.

    He had a walking stick so his steps were reproduced including that, and he was calling, “My wind! Somebody’s stolen my wind!”.

    I think it was probably on the front of a magazine or something. I don’t know if it’s a traditional story or something written for that production but I thought it was brilliant at the time.

      9 months ago

      Sounds a lot like the film The Day The Earth Froze, AKA Sampo. It became one of the better Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes. It’s based on the Finnish folktale Kalevala.

      The witch Louhi sends her cloak to kidnap a girl named Annikki so she can ransom her for a sampo: a cornucopia that makes gold, salt, and grain. Lemminkainen takes legendary blacksmith Ilmarinen to rescue her. They get stuck with assorted ridiculous tasks solved through typical tall-tale feats. Ilmarinen eventually forges a sampo and they leave with Annikki. Lemminkainen thinks it’s bullshit the witch got her reward, so he swims back to take it. He unleashes mist from where Louhi has the four winds trapped in her mountain cave and returns with part of the sampo. So Louhi shows up and steals the fucking sun. Ilmarinen, absolute maniac, starts trying to forge a new one. Instead he’s told to make a harp, which is used to put the witch’s evil forces to sleep, so Lemminkainen can just shove Louhi into a hole in the ice and retrieve the sun from behind the stone doors of the mountain.

      • Sim
        9 months ago

        Thanks, interesting. Not the very same, the one I remember was really about the wizard controlling the winds - but that’s still an interesting story!