• RandoCalrandian
    16 months ago

    That comparison would only make sense if that was happening, which it isn’t.

    Twitch has been essentially a soft core version of these girls’ only fans for a while now, and their adult content has been put in front of children, unconsentually.

    Ffs, these changes are to help stop the blatantly sexual thumbnails from being shown on the front page

    And yea, twitch knows they bring in money and so won’t do anything to stop them, but this will make the whole “protect the children” thing 10x worse, as twitch actively targets younger viewers and so do these adult “performers”

    • conciselyverbose
      16 months ago

      This rule was an attempt to make it more clearly labeled, so yes, it’s exactly what it’s about.

      It absolutely has every right to exist.

      • RandoCalrandian
        16 months ago

        Where the fuck is this “right to exist” shit coming from

        You’re attacking an argument I never made

        • conciselyverbose
          16 months ago

          You’re attacking their effort to formally label it without punishing it.

          Thinking it doesn’t deserve to exist is the only possible cause for that.

          • RandoCalrandian
            16 months ago

            Or, just maaaaybe, it deserves to be in its own space, away from children, and these labels are only going to help with the appearance of that, and not the actual issue

            You’re strawmanning drying to defend this, and I don’t understand why you’re triggered so hard

            • conciselyverbose
              16 months ago

              “It can exist, but not here” by monopolies is by far the most effective method of censorship available in the modern era.

              Megalithic companies like payment processors and Twitch should straight up not be permitted to ban classes of content.

              • RandoCalrandian
                16 months ago

                Payment processors, sure, but how the fuck do you lump twitch in there?

                Should they be prohibited from banning Nazi streams, too?? That’s protected free speech, after all.

                • conciselyverbose
                  16 months ago

                  Twitch is a monopoly in the live streaming video space. So unconditionally yes, blocking nudity for five minutes should get every asset Amazon owns seized for abusing that position.

                  There’s loads of precedent for hate speech not constituting protected speech, so that’s not an issue.

                  • RandoCalrandian
                    16 months ago

                    Goddamn, your head is so far up your ass on this you’ve forgotten reality exists!

                    Twitch is not a streaming monopoly

                    Even if it was, banning nudity would not be any kind of infringement due to how many other nudity specific competitors absolutely exist

                    And even if they didn’t, aren’t they “a private company, they can ban who they want when they want!” Like you just justified with hate speech, while completely forgetting that censorship of nudity has longer and more established president in much more monopolistic environments?

                    Seriously, get some fresh air. Breathing all those fumes isn’t good for your health.