My Favorite Six C64 Games vs Their Amiga Version - Everything Amiga

  • TaldenNZ
    1 year ago

    I loved the C64 (and my eventually '030 expanded Amiga B2000).

    I played the hell out of Lode Runner (and on Amiga) and Archon / Archon II.

    The others on this list didn’t grab me as much.

    Other C64 titles I remember I played a lot were:

    • The Bard’s Tale set… I have a sneaky suspicion I have some of the maps lying around in storage somewhere.
    • Zork series (I recall getting a guide via a BBS back in the day)
    • Paradroid (and Paradroid 90 on the Amiga)
    • International Karate +
    • The Boulderdash series (and constructor kit… sharing levels back and forth with friends)
    • Commando (another title with Rob Hubbard’s musical magic tricks with SID)
    • The Pitfall games
    • Elite (and now Elite Dangerous on PC)
    • Arkanoid / Arkanoid II
    • Green Beret
    • Wizardry games (I didn’t play the Ultima games until the Amiga)
    • Spy hunter (having played this well before seeing Blue’s Brothers, I thought it freaky they were using game music - ah naive young me)
    • Pole Position (I think there was a sequel but I don’t recall if that was the C64 or Amiga)
    • Ghost’n’Goblins
    • The Monty on the Run games
    • Nebulus (with some clever overlapping of colour and mono sprites for better resolution)
    • The Sentinel (and my book of oh so many level codes - I have never found a satisfyingly playable PC port but the Amiga had a good one)

    Some I really missed finding good ports on the Amiga (but then I had a ton of other choices on the Amiga too)

      1 year ago

      Green Beret and Ghosts n’ Goblins were ridiculously hard. It’s funny that we actually found them fun to play. Try going back and reaching the second level without having the attack patterns clearly in memory any more :)

      The VERY excellent Pole Position 2 was indeed on C64.

      I think I’ll play some Street Rod 2 this summer. That was such a fun game that EA has since left touring in the IP vault.