• @Longpork_afficianado
    68 months ago

    I really find it hard to empathise with a company that outsources it’s manufacturing to China in order to exploit cheap labour and poor environmental protections. It feels like having your IP ripped off by the people you’re exploiting in order to save a buck is fair comeuppance.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Oh don’t get me wrong, I don’t empathize with the corps who moved our labor overseas for profits, and threw their technological advantage - their true long-term capital - after them as well, for a few years of quarterly gains. Fuck them. Shortsighted greed is the essence of capitalism.

      That doesn’t make me like china’s strategy any more though. Exactly because they understand how to instrumentalize the corrupt greed of the capitalist class to their advantage are they so dangerous to us.

      Our governments are powerless to protect national economic interests because they are all beholden to the short term profiteers of destroying our long term prosperity.