For me i would just place like random paintings, like NASA would be very confused on why Mars would have paintings lmao.

  • ansik
    1 year ago

    Not a single act, but a series of actions. The rovers power down during Martian nights, right? So, during these periods, you could rearrange the rocks nearby. At first, NASA might not even pick up on the changes, but eventually, someone’s bound to notice.

    Imagine the buzz it would create! The scientists studying the photographs sent back by the rovers would be left scratching their heads. They’d probably first suspect some unknown natural phenomena, or even the rovers themselves, until the changes became too orchestrated to explain away. It would be a cosmic puzzle, a Martian mystery that would have them combing through data for answers.

    No extraordinary or unnatural objects, just ordinary Martian rocks moved around. Instead of presenting them with an object that screams ‘alien intervention,’ you’d be nudging them into a mystery, all with the Martian surface’s naturally occurring elements.

    • edm00se
      31 year ago

      The rocks change in a pattern, I swear it’s a single character substitution cipher! Wait a minute… “drink more Ovaltine” what the crap?

    • YolkBrushWork402OP
      21 year ago

      That would definitely fuck with NASA, i can already see Youtube Videos being made about this and their being theories and stuff. This would also be very interesting, how would the Governments react to this? How will UFO Conspiracy Theorists respond to this?

      • Varwin
        11 year ago

        Continue to escalate the situation until it reaches a fever pitch, then stop cold for a week