• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    It’s astonishing how little you people give a damn about this. The amount of garbage China gets away with in this world is incredible

    • @[email protected]
      219 months ago

      Who is “you people”?
      And what would those people do exactly?

      China has over 1.4 Billion people. And it’s military is twice the size of the US military. Just for reference.

      • chaogomu
        89 months ago

        Twice the size, but they don’t have anywhere near as much military hardware. Another factor, the US military logistics system is also the most robust in the world.

        Infantry might fight wars, but logistics wins wars. (This is why Russia is losing in Ukraine, they lack the logistics system to deliver things outside their own borders)

        China doesn’t have a great worldwide logistics system, but like Russia, they have a great internal system.

        So a Chinese invasion of the US would basically be dead in the water, likely literally. As in, the ships carrying the invasion force would be sunk before they could unload.

        A US invasion of China would be a deadly slog. The US would likely have air superiority, but that only goes so far.

        The major factor in any fight, oil. China doesn’t have much in the way of their own reserves. They get most of their oil via tanker from the Middle East. And those shipping lanes are a massive weak point.

        One that everyone knows, and also watches.

        The final factor is the nuclear capabilities. China is outclassed there as well, but any nuclear fight is one that everyone loses.

        The TLDR; China has a lot of troops, but not as much of everything else.

        • @[email protected]
          -29 months ago

          China now has the largest fleet in the world by hull count.

          They’re still in the process of building up their carrier fleet but it will be able to match the Pacific fleet within the next decade.

          I think any discussion on which fleet could destroy the other would be irrevocably tainted by jingoism and the fact that there hasn’t been a serious naval engagement in eighty years, but the main point is that this weird idea people have that the US Navy is the undisputed king of the ocean is the kind of arrogance that has been punished countless times in history.

          • @[email protected]
            89 months ago

            The Pacific fleet? The US has 12 of those.

            My guy the U.S. Army also has more ships than the USN by hull count.

            There wouldn’t even be a fight.

      • @[email protected]
        -29 months ago

        Because this has been going on for years now, but it seems to not matter to most news organizations who barely give it any coverage. And we can do something about it by making people more aware of it

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        Well, we could start by not giving them all of the money but that would be an inconvenience to shareholders so I guess there’s nothing we can do really.

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      “It’s OK though the us does bad stuff too so china deserves a pass and should be left alone” - Grad + Hexbear geniuses