The new Teflon don thought he was untouchable but he’s falling just like others before him by the RICO laws made famous in the 80’s by his lawyer and number 2 defendent who is in his 80’s Rudy Guliani.

  • LongbottomLeaf
    1 year ago
    If he gets shot, it's too damn bad.
        Conversation about Senator Edward Kennedy with White House aides H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman (September 7, 1972)
    Screw State! State's always on the side of the blacks. The hell with them!
        Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976 Volume E-5, Part 1, Documents on Sub-Saharan Africa, 1969-1972, Document 258 Conversation Between President Nixon and the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Camp David, September 24, 1972, 11:37-11:52 a.m
    The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Write that on a blackboard 100 times and never forget it.
        Conversation with Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig on December 14, 1972

    So progressive

      1 year ago

      braindeads when a political figure doesn’t fill every box of their rainbow bingo card


      Tried to implement UBI in 1968 (later evolved into the Family Assistance Plan, one of the most robust welfare programs in American history)

      Prevented a second Cold War front with China

      Signed one of the first major federal environmental protection policies (NEPA)

      Also established the EPA

      Established OSHA in 1970, the first federally enforced set of safety regulations to protect workers against exploitative employers.

      As for your quote, here’s another:

      No man can be fully free while his neighbor is not. To go forward at all is to go forward together.

      This means black and white together, as one nation, not two. The laws have caught up with our conscience. What remains is to give life to what is in the law: to ensure at last that as all are born equal in dignity before God, all are born equal in dignity before man.

      As we learn to go forward together at home, let us also seek to go forward together with all mankind.

      Nixon’s administration saw the largest percentage drop of black children enrolled in segregated schools in American history. In 1968, 68% of black children in the South were attending all-black schools. By 1974, that number had fallen to 8%.

      • LongbottomLeaf
        1 year ago

        Conveniently left out that “progressive” Controlled Substances Act that has been so helpful for all those pesky minorities that wouldn’t vote for him.

        Compare Nixon to either Democrat that came before or after him.

        He wasn’t progressive for his time. The Overton Window has shifted so far to the right, Nixon now appears less than conservative (to some).

        Also, shiny prepared statements mean less to me than what someone says behind closed doors to their friends and allies.

          1 year ago

          “Noooo not my le heckin wholesome druggerinos”

          More people were jailed for drug possession under Obama than Nixon. Also, see “rainbow bingo” from my first comment.

          Compare Nixon…

          Like the war hawk and sexual predator Johnson or Jimmy Carter, whose most notable contributions were installing solar panels on the white house?

          Absolutely zero response to my points about lowering poverty, substantial welfare increases, starting the most robust environmental protection movement, or introducing the most radical worker’s rights bill in American history (at the time).

          Sounds about right.

          he wasn’t progressive for his time.

          Objectively false.

          also shiny…

          I don’t disagree but some crude backroom conversations don’t negate the fact that Nixon’s administration oversaw more social desegregation than any other administration at the time.

          • LongbottomLeaf
            1 year ago

            One of the most progressive presidents of all time.

            Hyperbolic nazi.

            Like Nixon wasn’t a sexual predator. Like you care about inmates or the wrongly incarcerated. As if you care about minorities.

            You put words in my mouth like you breathe and lie.

            Nixon was not progressive for anyone’s day. He was the Trump of his day. Why else would Paul Manafort work for both of them?

            Did Carter have Henry fucking Kissinger as his advisor and confidant?

            Wake up and smell what you shovel.

            Edit: almost forgot your double down on dog whistle homophobia. It’s abundantly clear you own nothing with a rainbow on it.

              1 year ago

              everyone I don’t like is a nazi

              Because I like presidents who accomplish Nazi things like… checks notes… workers’ rights, desegregation, environmental protection, and welfare / poverty assistance, and avoiding a second Cold War front?

              Nixon was a conservative man leading a progressive administration and the selected quotes you keep reiterating do not reflect the reality of his accomplishments.

              • LongbottomLeaf
                1 year ago

                You’re doing it again. Those quotes are for quoting. Paraphrase, summarize and critique UNDER the quote.

                You’re really gonna claim desegregation for the POTUS who signed the Controlled Substances Act after ignoring the advice of his own commission whose report recommended legalization? That racist P.O.S.? Yeah, he really ‘desegregated’ all those black men into prison, didnt he?

                Also, your earlier point about other administrations being unable to overturn his racist legislation, which is responsible for a disproportionate amount of minorites incarcerated, resulting in continued growth of the prison population largely by non-violent drug convictions proves MY POINT. Nixon’s evil nazi spirit is still with us to this day. It is evident in the prisons, in the jails, in our justice system, in the DEA, in this weird quasi system for cannabis workers who can’t bank like other farmers. Fuck Richard Nixon and all his ilk.

                You wave the Clean Water Act around like it absolves him of his many other crimes. As if he wrote it. As if he wasn’t a huge pain in the ass for the actual authors who wanted an even better amendment to the FWPCA but couldn’t get it because Nixon vetoed them. As if he signed it for any reason other than to garner votes from the public who were at the time rightfully pissed off about the quality of water in the country. If he was actually the progressive environmentalist you paint him to be, he would have pushed for that legislation BEFORE the Cuyahoga caught fire for the 3rd time. But he didn’t. Because he was a P.O.S. who only cared about himself and power.

                Cite your sources for the rest of your B.S. claims. I don’t have the time to go hunting down all your goose chase whataboutisms. I brought my facts. Where are yours? You made the outrageous claim that Nixon was the “most progressive president in history” not me. Burden of proof tossed upon the believer. Put up or shut up. I’ve made some of my points that he was anything but progressive, and there is plenty more where that came from for this president.

                Your uncited claims do not reflect the reality of history. So ‘progressive’ he had to be the first to resign. What was that for again? Oh that’s right.





                  1 year ago

                  Yeah sorry bud you lost when you tried calling me a nazi for liking clean water, desegregation, and peace. Better luck next time.

                  Pro tip: I know it’s hard, but don’t get emotional when engaging in online discourse against people who you disagree with

                  • LongbottomLeaf
                    1 year ago

                    Nah, you earned that label by supporting one. Thinking that clown was responsible for what you claim is asinine.

                    Also: way to not show up with any evidence, and not refute my valid points.

                    You support a crook and liar. And you are a liar.

                    Edit2: and your way is how nazis talk. The frivolous bad faith arguments with no evidence, all B.S., supporting authoritarians and sowing division, all while claiming the high ground.

                    And lastly: I’m not your bud, guy.

        1 year ago

        Nixon also pushed the criminalization of weed and heroin so that he could imprison blacks and hippies because they were the largest demographics of the anti war movement and he didn’t want to make it obvious that he was taking political prisoners out of his own citizenry.

        So no, he fucking was not progressive. For that and so many other reasons.