I actually have Marlin + Octoprint but found out recently that Klipper exist. I read everywhere that Klipper is better but I don’t really get why. I understand that Klipper use raspberry as powerfull calculator instead of the STM32 of the printer, but octoprint is used to send Gcode to Marlin too… So what’s the really difference please?

Edit : I don’t understand how Klipper or Marlin can give better results when gcode and instructions are generated by Cura

  • scotticus42
    11 months ago

    Personally, I have converted my two printers from marlin to klipper. I’ve used MainsailOS installed on a raspberry pi.

    Had to get a second pi to run the second one on due to my crownest install not being able to set a camera to each printer (for the mobileraker app output that is). In the web interface I could set my cameras to each printer respectfully, even though the output of both came from one install location (one klipper instance supplied both cameras)

    But the pi3b+ can handle that if you need it to, but there is a bit of extra configuration needed to set file paths right. (I would recommend a fan on the pi so it doesn’t constantly say your at risk of overheat, mine was constantly around 60C, but added a fan and get solid 40C)

    But for my Ender 3v2, the conversion was super easy. Loading through an SD card is so simple. But my Sidewinder X2, was more of a challenge (due to having to open the case up and use a jumper to put the board into DFU mode).

    But the choice was a no-brainer for my sidewinder, since I had to compile my own firmware to open up some options that weren’t on by default. And it is a pain to recompile marlin every time you forget to adjust one firmware option.

    Klipper is so much easier on changing a firmware setting. Alter a text file, restart the service, and it’s changed.