I’ve lost count personally. Curious as to what other’s experiences have been.

  • Mishmash2000
    1 year ago

    I only remember the two times I’ve actually been hit. One time the driver did the old indicate and turn left in front of me in one motion, no prior warning, didn’t check the rear view mirror, just turned straight through me to go down a side street. My brake lever scrapped all the way down the side of their SUV and I fell off my bike but was otherwise fine. They didn’t stop, just drive off.

    The second time a car on a give way/yield pulled out of a side street and drove straight through me breaking my leg, scooping me into their bonnet and dropping me onto the road as they stopped. It was broad daylight, I was in a painted cycle lane, I was wearing a hi vis jacket and they were on a give way. They just drive through me like I wasn’t even there. They did at least stay with me until the police and ambulance arrived.