Being left in the barn means someone will buy a really cool old kiosk in 30-60 years.
Being left in the barn means someone will buy a really cool old kiosk in 30-60 years.
Now I want to see two meth heads play chess, itll either be the most riveting game of chess or a gladiatorial matchup either way I am entertained.
Our civilization is only a couple millenia old, we existed in a stone age for the overwhelming majority of our existence. We may set ourselves back but I severely doubt we will destroy ourselves.
Isnt this the plot of every chalkzone episode?
Yeah but they claim to be able to vote which means they are at minimum 18.
Its not what it cost ya, its what it says about you. You are little more than a contrarian a reactionary in all but name, an ideological dead end.
My grandmother still does this for some gods forsaken reason and somehow is worse at it than me. Mind you ive been having to track down adresses for work for about 3 years now but c’mon.
Pretty sure I was at an Ace hardware or some shit. Like I said I was severely sleep deprived and was looking for something, pretty sure it was duck tape for reinforcing an air conditioner.
Frankly speaking once I got to my car and realized what I said I started laughing my ass off since it was such a non sequitur.
Probably better than the scar my cousin has on his thigh from an ad hoc fulcrum catapult.
I was once mistaken for an employee somewhere and my sleep deprivated response was to say “I am wearing pants so clearly I dont work here.” I have no fucken clue what that means but I think it was a threat.
Even though ya specified south Florida I still read it as fucking San Francisco.
As much of a pseudo nationalist as I am, itd be a safer bet to setup IV fluid production in Arizona instead. Somewhere like Havasu or one of the other Colorado towns.
Yeah but that is usually part of their training, at the very least it is for jet flyovers.
I turned it into a marionette.
I hate this and I want to eat the class A amnestic pill.
Isnt that what the scientists in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. do when they study the animals of the zone.
Only when I can have 24/7 Taco Bell again. I dont want Nacho Fries at 4 in the afternoon I want them at 3 am on a Wednesday.
More or less, ya also have folks just seeing how much they can break the game together.
It doesnt sound like factionalism, it sounds like certain players offering a service for expediency. Also I only noted Morrowind as having a multiplayer mod as well. Hows bout ya look up some youtube videos on it so you can stop pretending that ya have any idea you are talking about.
Can I continue to advocate for the vigilante killing of Musk and ilk? Because I am not better than that, its what my ancestors wouldve wanted actually my ancestors wouldve put him in a ditch for being stupid and English but thats besides the point.