Well the E stands for emulation, so no.
Well the E stands for emulation, so no.
CachyOS installer these are all things outside at all related to the game and back to the game and back to the game and back to the game
Pretty accurate really.
Another lemmy echo chamber… It’s pointless to show another kind of opinion.
Sounds like you maybe just have a habit of entering conversations on topics you don’t know much about (and in this case self-admittedly don’t even care about), so you get a lot of people who are more informed and do care expressing their disagreement with you?
Have you considered just not doing that?
Why would anyone even play a Star Wars game at this point knowing you’re just getting whatever slop some mega publisher paid top dollar to Disney for to fuck you in the ass with.
Yep, just because a game takes 8 years to make doesn’t mean it was necessarily spent making a game that looks or plays anything like the one that eventually came out.
What is sketchy about downloading a torrent that it could save you from? Wouldn’t it be executing whatever you downloaded on another machine that would be the risky part?
Absolutely hard disagree with this. Removing active items would be dumbing it down too much.
I’ve been playing dota since 2012 and I haven’t played a single game of it since I got invited to Deadlock months ago.
How would a thinking emoji make it clear your question isn’t serious? Also, things have been available for a limited time long before phishing attempts were a thing, and will continue to exist for legitimate purposes long after. You can’t expect the entire rest of the world to stop doing something innocuous just because it’s also used as a tactic to fool a small subset of inattentive people.
I was also using it then and most people hated it at the time. People generally saw it as useless DRM they had to install to play the games they had already paid for. The biggest complaint was needing to install it and register Counter-Strike to get the 1.6 update.
This gif comes to mind:
I doubt it, especially considering this is actually the fourth game in the series.
Ok, then what does it mean to you? Were you confused why Baldur’s Gate 3 was made too? It’s an even older gameplay concept and did less to change it.
Edit: I’m also struggling to see how I was being “dishonest” by sharing an opinion.
If the way you choose to value a game is based on how “old” or “new” it seems to you then you should be prepared for people to question that because it’s meaningless.
If anything a game feeling “older” to me is a good thing considering the nickel-and-diming design by committee garbage that has taken over.
If you’re going to be looking at network requests on this granular of a level you should use something like OpenSnitch so you can be sure what is actually generating them.
I’ve played for many hours and I think they nailed a lot of the mechanics, so the game is fun.
I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say, what does the year have to do with anything? It’s 2024 and not 2014, and therefore I should only play modern shitty live service games?
This is already implemented on a lot of the settings pages on 11.
Edit: just wanted to add I don’t think well. I use it at work.
I realize a Civ game isn’t going to have much to show off for a trailer, but this gameplay trailer has no actual gameplay lol
No one is pretending anything, and no one is claiming these laws aren’t specifically targeting trans people, of course they are. What they are claiming is that the same law would apply to what is being depicted in the photo, which is true.
Great, Oblivion but blurry.
Cool, best of luck. I’ve been using lightly for a couple months via the AUR package and I really like it.