Solidarity with Palestine is non-negotiable, but no solidarity allowed for Ukraine or American LGBT folk (they deserve the genocide, obviously /s)
Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
Solidarity with Palestine is non-negotiable, but no solidarity allowed for Ukraine or American LGBT folk (they deserve the genocide, obviously /s)
“I didn’t sign up for this shit, send me back”
Ah, my favorite meal of the day, [checks notes] ‘Meal of the Day’
Been having a resurgence of nausea and mild pain. Probably gonna have to make a doctor’s appointment soon, but there are few things I hate more than making appointments with specialists instead of just having my GP endlessly refill my prescriptions every three months.
C’est la vie.
Explanation: ‘I’ is both a Latin letter and a numeral. In Roman numerals, two numbers next to each other add together - as in, ‘II’ is ‘2’. This joke is making fun of the fact that ii is both a very common ending for Latin words (something to do with grammar, Latin grammar is a nightmare), and the number 2 (as in, a sequel and not an original).
Fundamentalist Christians love the whole antichrist vibe.
Ha ha. Ha. Ha ha. Good thing this would never be the US foreign policy in real life.
Where are my noncredibleespionage brand cyanide pills
(yes, before anyone tries to point it out, I know the title is from La Marseillaise while the last sentence is from Le Chant du depart)
Explanation: After their king attempted to betray the country at the head of a foreign invading army, and France duly beheaded him for his treason, the monarchies of Europe turned against the French Revolution with renewed zeal. The entire continent, more or less, was up in arms against the uppity commoners who had dared touch the sacrosanct flesh of a king!
Not only that, but these revolutionaries were also busy killing one another over disagreements how their revolution should actually be going, with a sizable reactionary rebellion in the Vendee! The entirety of Europe’s conservative forces, plus French infighting, should lead to an easy win over the so-called French Republic, right?
Well, actually, France threw back the entirety of the invading reactionary forces, performing counter-invasions and setting up ‘sister republics’ in the territory of the reactionary monarchies.
Bit of a miscalculation on their part! Get fucked, anciens regimes! Le peuple souverain s’avance!
I’ll just tell conservatives that I don’t believe that a Gulf can just go from Mexican to American, I’m sorry. If it wants to use the American restrooms, I’m going to have to check its territorial waters.
… even as a sarcastic metaphor, I feel a little dirty saying that
In Warren’s case, by “Republicans making up numbers”
The Flea, mandibles twitching: “Is there something about my market you find displeasing, dear customer?”
Still have trouble, but after being medicated, it’s amazing what a difference it makes. Now I’m only disabled (by exhaustion) after the appointment; not spending the hours before the appointment frantically checking the clock and doing nothing else.
Even if the US pulls all support, Ukraine will always be the one making the decision. Russian dipshits.
A quick trip to West Virginia will show the weakness of this analysis.
100% white communities with tap water that looks like sludge 💪💪💪💪💪
That Zelensky is an actually intelligent fellow is one of the few bright spots in international politics right now.
Knowing how to play your allies is sometimes as important as playing your enemies.
And sometimes there’s precious little difference between the two.
You should trample some of their crops and collect fines for marrying without permission to motivate them.
Being terminally online is my only superpower; so as long as it brings a few people some amusement, I feel like it’s not completely wasted🙏