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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I read some of Hancock’s earlier stuff like, 20+ years ago. There were some interesting theories about the possibility of civilizations more ancient than we were then aware of having actually existed.

    In the time since, as I understand things, we’ve discovered “evidence” that points to civilizations of some kind 20,000+ years ago, which we didn’t seem to have much of back then, and some of which seems to disprove some of Hancock’s atlantis-type sophisticated lost ancient civilizations theories, but it was still a moderately compelling, engaging, and fascinating IDEA at the time even if the magnetic poles flipping opposite every 12,500 years was a little hard to swallow.

    I’m not sure what he’s peddling now, but when he throws out ideas, he’s good at making them seem cool, so it could just be keanu is honestly fascinated by whatever concepts the dude is dishing out.

    (The sphinx was originally a lion statue 100,000 years ago or whatever)

  • Some of it is about the "Why"s.

    Netflix nearly stamped out piracy for a while there by being a vastly more attractive alternative. Between them and Hulu, and to a lesser extent prime(at the time) if it was streaming, you could watch it somewhere at a reasonable price for a marginally reasonable viewing experience that was at least as good as most TPB downloads.

    Then the IP owners got greedier and decided to strike out on their own with the “everyone has a streaming service” model, which would be GREAT if they largely shared content, but they don’t.

    The greed continues, not in order to adequately compensate creators, but to make a few handfuls of people not just rich but filthy rich. Every action they take suddenly becomes more penny pinching for more greed. At this point lots of the CONTENT CREATORS wish they had a better choice (how often do they say ‘please watch it this way, that’s just how they rank stuff, sorry’?)

    Why is it the opposite with AI?

    Because in comparison with stuff like streaming video or music platforms, AI is BARELY pretending to offer a functional service in exchange for the greed that’s behind all of the money they’re trying to force it to make for them.

    And that’s just for one side of the debate.

    Why isn’t the fact that AI is largely garnering the same responses even from DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED GROUPS telling you something about how bad of an idea it is in it’s current incarnation?

  • What in the actual fuck are you on about?

    They genuinely believe some random guy is god incarnate so they tormented him his entire life to try and get him to kill himself,

    Nothing in wicca allows any of that, so far as I’m aware.

    That’s SO far off base with what I understand of the basic tenets of wicca that it’d be like an humanist atheist vegan suddenly signing on to work as a halal butcher and then deciding animals aren’t enough, it’s time to butcher people instead.

  • would say that Morton is not at all deranged in creating this especially considering I’ve got a container of it sitting on my spice rack right now.

    It has an additional use, too.

    The non-“salt” ingredient here, potassium chloride, is the “harder to find” ingredient in a simple four ingredient rehydration solution.

    The other ingredients are sodium chloride, sugar, and water.

    So equal parts this and sugar in a glass of water and you’ve got yourself the world health organization’s answer to dehydration.

  • The BEHAVIOR of a very small subset of vegans unfortunately causes a small but ridiculously vocal subset of non-vegans to tar all vegans with the same brush.

    Since volume equals truth for a not insignificant number of people in the Internet, far too many people don’t stop to separate behavior choices from professed beliefs and that’s how we get where we are now, I unfortunately.

    The world would be a better place if people stopped automatically associating and assuming causation and instead treated bad behavior as just that.

  • Why do you think a different word is needed?

    Because the word has been largely washed of all negative connotations, at least across the minds of the majority of the populace in the U.S.

    If you are trying to convey what the word settler means in a dictionary by using it in casual conversation, you are likely to find that it is not carrying the full weight of its intended meaning in the mind(s) of the listener(s).

    This makes it a FUNCTIONALLY inadequate word despite being a technically correct one.

  • I ALWAYS skip enterprise, I never skip the others.

    I get that they were trying for something different, I can even appreciate using a folksy ballad that doesn’t have all is the “formality” of classical music the same way Starfleet of the time doesn’t have all the formality of later treks. I even personally find it to be a cool idea on paper, but for some reason it just didn’t land with me.

    It’s jarring when it SHOULDN’T be. Even the closing credits get a "WhoOoAawhatthefuuuuOh."reaction out of me every time the music starts. Like, it takes until almost the fourth note on the credits before I go "oh yeah, they do this.

    I still watch the credits, though.

  • The kicker there is … Nobody I know is going to think “wow, playback on this video sucks, I should disable my ad blocker”.

    Like, it wouldn’t occur to ANYONE I know that a piece of software we consider necessary could be the problem, ESPECIALLY if everything else is working fine.

    That’s not even number ten on the list of troubleshooting steps and most people don’t make it past one or two before giving up.

    WTF were they thinking?