Not really, all of 1984 is just 70kb.
huh. I pasted the link in the searchbar and nothing came up. Still better than reddit’s search.
Oh, and he just banned hazel again on loops.
Are we bring back beans?
I disagree. Lemmy didn’t work well because it wasn’t designed to scale. With atproto, it is less resource intensive if users aren’t spread out, in contrast to acitivtypub where its the opposite.
Not signal specifiaclly, but they said they would shutter operations in the uk if the online “safety” bill passed. @[email protected] has posted a lot about it.
What the hell, i’d probably be more useful doing that than just pathetically dieing by stubbing my toe running and getting teatanus or somethign.
idk, ive seen people on reddit with the exact same username on both sites, but they’re different people.
Idk, you’d think they would share the script or whatever it is, how come it doesn’t happen on non-tankie friendly instances.
Same, I would just download a lot of shit for whoever raids my house.
Can I go with you?
Then how come it only removes the specific comments that annoy the mods?
They probably don’t want the annoying people commenting “R slash funny” or “r slash clevercomebacks” on every post.
Your username gave me a mini heart attack.
idk, i’ve seen screenshots and modlogs where mods ban people from every .ml community for diagreeing with them
Wait, are you u/blazealt?
Or do you ever realise that everyone percives you differently, so you’re a different person to different people.