Never piss off a judge, people. And I know it’s not Facebook, but it’s definitely pretty nutty.

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    While it pisses me off to no end that judges have the legal authority to punish people who don’t automatically show them respect - after all, they’ve done nothing to earn my respect - I’m also not stupid enough to vent my ire for it when I’m stuck having to actively navigate a system dedicated to stacking the deck against me. Save your opinion for when you’re outside their little fiefdoms. Don’t have to like it; just learn not to fight a battle you can never win.

    • @IlovethebombOP
      63 months ago

      When you behave like that, you’re not just disrespecting the judge, but the whole legal system they represent. Also, disrupting court proceedings should never be OK.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Do you often call the judge by their first name during session, like the nutjob in the article?

      You make it sounds like judges are unpredictable despots that demand people to grovel before them, when in fact there’s a very clear procedure that makes things go smoothly. Break that, you’ll regret it. Action, meet consequence.

  • @[email protected]
    63 months ago

    “Gordon then drove forward towards the police; reversed at speed into a bank before driving forward at the police again.”

    That’ll get your ass shot in 'Murica.

  • magnetosphere
    3 months ago

    I was advised to always show up to your court date when charged with a traffic violation. Not only is the court willing to reduce the fine in many cases, but also eliminate any points on your driver’s license (I’m in the U.S. “Points” are what can increase the cost of your car insurance. The actual fine itself is often negligible compared to what having points on your license can cost you).

    The large courtroom was packed. I wore khakis and a tie, but a lot of people showed up in sweatpants and a t-shirt. They interrupted the judge, didn’t call him Your Honor or even Sir. He was terrifying. Basically, he tore everyone a new asshole. I was dreading my turn, but it came soon enough.

    I was respectful and polite. I answered the his questions quickly, directly, and honestly. I didn’t waste his time with nonsense or bullshit excuses. The judge wasn’t friendly, but he wasn’t mean, either. He cut my fine in half and put zero points on my license.

    When you’re in court, DON’T BE A DICK. IT MATTERS.