Good news I guess!

  • @[email protected]
    35 months ago

    There’s lots of studies out there all suggesting that multivitamins are simultaneously good and bad. My nutrition specialist made it clear to me that while multi-vitamins can replace things you’re missing out on, it’s better to have slightly not enough than too much of something and that it’s better to try to eat your vitamins in the way of food if possible. These days, the only vitamins I take are D in the winter and B12 if I haven’t eaten enough meat. I think the only time I make an exception is when I’m too sick to properly cook a nutritious meal and I feel I should replace those nutrients somehow.

    • @sylverstreamOP
      55 months ago

      Yeah we try to do the same, only eat required vitamins. We also eat magnesium, zinc, and fish oil.

    • edric
      25 months ago

      What I do is take half a dose everyday. I take multivitamin gummies and the recommended 2x a day basically gets me 250% of certain vitamins. That’s too much especially since I get some of them naturally from what I eat. So I only take 1 gummy a day.

  • theodewere
    25 months ago

    the daily multivitamin slowed global cognitive aging by the equivalent of two years compared to placebo

    not too shabby