• @[email protected]
    74 months ago

    Watching and distributing films

    I think distribution is the reason the punishment is so severe.

  • @[email protected]
    -134 months ago

    for watching and distributing

    How nicely they omitted that part from the title. I sure do wonder in how many countries you can get away with distributing “enemy propaganda” materials.

    The source is questionable too. South Korean thinktank, some footage, which the Guardian did not verify. Yeah, very trustable.

    DPRK is no heaven, but this looks like yet another made up material. I can’t help but laugh every time when Westerners act like there is no propaganda in the West.

    • Kit Sorens
      114 months ago

      Wow. You have a very interesting worldview. Do you also feel that chinese propoganda should not be watched in the US or is this a one-way “down with western imperialism” street?

      • @[email protected]
        -14 months ago

        The fuck is interesting here? This article looks like BS.

        I don’t stand for propaganda against a country to not be watched, just keep in mind what ideas does it promote and whom does it serve. I doubt most people here will struggle pointing out the BS if some PRC news outlets launched a media campaign against a Western country.

        I’m for the down with imperialism road, not just with the Western one. The PRC can engage in imperialist activities too, that’s the logic of capitalism.

        But even if I did support China, if all you have to say against me pointing out an article manipulating information is “Very interesting, but u r Chinese bot lmao” then you are just another ignorant Westerner. One of the people, who will laugh at those “dummy third-worlders”, tricked into voting for authoritarians by propaganda machine, yet will gladly eat any info, if it was presented by a Western outlet.

        • Kit Sorens
          24 months ago

          Would you like to present examples from the text to prove your point? Or am I to take your worldview as fact because you’re the angriest and loudest in the room?

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            Man, it’s all in the first comment. The article title omits an important part of the story to make the situation look worse than it is. The article uses a South Korean source. People would be screaming and typing comments like “STUPID PROPAGANDNAA11!!1!1”, if, for example, a Chinese outlet published an article portraying the US in bad light.

            Also, are you sure you understand the meaning of the word “worldview”? There is much more to my worldview than whatever was said in these comments. And I never said that you are to accept something, I just want people to think for themselves for a minute when they read an article. People have a their own heads on their shoulders, yet accept anything presented to them by big Western outlets as absolute truth.

            • Kit Sorens
              04 months ago

              You generalize westerners quite a lot. You think we don’t have a shrewed eye for the corporate and political interests around us that influence our lives directly? I can clearly see that you box people into the “us and them” categories and judge others at a glance. “Think for yourself” indeed. To the fool, anyone they see is a fool first, until proven otherwise.

              It’s mass media. It’s all “propoganda” for someone’s interest whenever money or an agenda is involved. Click here. Read more. Sponsored by. You’re not smart for whatabouting a South Korean source who indeed would put their interests first like any other source of for-profit media. They all do it. And not just in the “western capitalist empire” either.

              So I ask again, what is different about this article that I couldn’t find anywhere else with other narratives besides where the info comes from? Or is it solely that it is the western narrative that you seem to tire of?

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                I did generalise them for the sake of this discussion, because there is no term for the ones I describe. They also happen to be the majority, judging from my personal experience.

                The other two paragraphs are a reading comprehension exercise for you. You are once again implying things about me and act like I condemn “western capitalist empire” (as if the Western powers are a single entity) whilst not condemning any other “capitalist empire”.