• Mario_Dies.wav
      156 months ago

      One thing I do miss about pre-internet era is that neo-Nazis and other groups like them didn’t have much of a platform, at least not in the 80s when I grew up.

      Now I’ve seen peopl who even oppose deplatforming them in some twisted notion of “free speech,” and major news outlets spreading their opinions like the plague.

      I agree with you. We shouldn’t care. Just punch the Nazis and get on with our day.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        In 1989 David Duke got elected into the Louisiana house of representatives.

        Yes, the guy who was the grand wizard of the KKK

        I think you’re having rose tinted glasses

        • Mario_Dies.wav
          36 months ago

          No, I remember that well.

          I think you’re egregiously misinterpreting my comment, and I don’t much appreciate that.

          Tell me in what ways neo-Nazi propaganda inserted itself into the home of the average person daily in 1989?

          Now look at the front page of reddit, 4chan, or – hell – this fucking news article.

          Nazis existed, never said they didn’t. I’m saying they have a farther-reaching platform, and anyone who allows them to post their propaganda is complicit.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            in the same way that everything has a farther-reaching platform, I guess. I am not sure if the proportions are really different. Nazis were in the streets, graffiti, stickers, music, newspapers… they always have a platform as long as it’s profitable.

            you’re correct, it is a louder problem now. and a more pressing one. but i’m not sure if it’s “worse”

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    For its part, the Kremlin has been a relentless recruiter of neo-Nazis to its cause; the co-founder of the mercenary Wagner Group, Dmitry Utkin, not only named his organization after the Third Reich’s favorite composer but had the logo for the Waffen-SS tattooed on both sides of his neck

    In before OP tries to spin this as “Ukraine bad” rather than the reality that there are a portion of Nazis on both sides of the front line.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Brand new account with a questionable post history. Smells like a shill to me. They also deleted this same story from another community where they had posted a bunch of nonsense comments.