Feel free to download and test yourself by joining the TestFlight group.


Please leave feedback either here or on GitHub.

Note this is very much a work in progress still and this is very barebones. I plan to continue work and submit nightly builds on TestFlight, so be on the lookout for the new releases.

Happy scrolling!

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago


    Memmy was the first app I opened this morning and I happily scrolled through my feed and caught up on the fun things going on. Going to update now and check out the dark UI!

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Thanks for the app!

    A couple of questions:

    • Is there a setting for your view 18 seconds in where at the top you pick All/Local/Subscribed and below the community? That seems nicer than having the … menu on the right choose the filter
    • You mention dark mode. Is this the only mode or is there a way to switch?
    • What is this licensed under if people want to submit PRs?

    Thanks again!

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Dark theme looks great, I really like the choice of tones. Way better on the eyes.

    1. When you look at your communities subscription list, the list appears as the previous “light” theme instead of dark.

    2. In addition to my comments from yesterday… when I reply to a post - the Reply Screen does not reference the comment/post I’m replying to. If someone has a long post that requires a long response, it would be nice to reference what was originally written without possibly accidently backing out of the reply.

    3. Minor thing. Your community is headlined “an iOS client for Lemmy” and that’s what pops up when you search All Communities on Lemmy.ml. No mention of Memmy unless you look at the address bar. I’d recommend updating it to “Memmy - an iOS client for Lemmy” so people know what it is.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      21 year ago
      1. Yep, I’ll make that change as well. Was contemplating how I wanted to make other changes to it so didn’t do that yet.
      2. I’ll add that in there as well as some markdown buttons to easily add a link, header, bold, etc.
      3. Good idea, will do.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Just a heads up,

    Hyperlinks are dark blue. It’s very hard to read the address against the dark grey backgrounds.

    As well, the pop-up keyboard when commenting is a “light” theme and doesn’t match the rest of the dark mode.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Would love to see a font size switcher. Text on my mini is a bit large for my liking. Thanks for all the work!

  • Richie
    11 year ago

    Yep, that’s Apollo-inspired for sure! Gonna check it out later. I tried using the other iOS client, Mlem, and I understand that it’s still very early in development, and no disrespect to the Dev, but I just can’t use it efficiently.

    Are there any others (for iOS specifically) currently being developed?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    The UI is much better than Mlem, but switching accounts in mlem is much easier. You might want to have a list of your accounts to make switching instances easier.

  • peef ಠ_ಠ
    11 year ago

    Barebones of the app looks great, but here are some changes/feature requests that should be added (no particular order):

    • Swipe Gesture on Posts.
    • Ability to save media.
    • Add sort by Activity.
    • Add an AMOLED mode.
    • **There’s a thin white line above the Navbar while using dark mode. **
    • Add animations to comment collapsing.
    • Some of the elements are still using Light Mode.
    • Better reply UI. -Ability to see your own profile.

    Also, thank you for the app!

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Installed it just a little while ago and really enjoy how stable it is. As someone who used Apollo daily, I already feel at home with this app.

    As for feedback, I don’t have many suggestions to add at the minute that hasn’t already been posted here. The only thing that comes to mind for me (if possible) is swipe options for posts and comments. (E. G. Swipe right to reply and swipe left to upvote/downvote, etc). Can’t wait to see future updates!