• @[email protected]
    437 months ago

    Wow… we’re … actually getting somewhere? I’ll take it.

    I’m not surprised Biden was so resistant to changing his opinion on Israel, but it’s also very important that we don’t see Israel as some singular monolith any more than any other country. Which means we need to pick and choose which Israelis we support.

    This is something we can potentially do though. Support liberal Israelis without supporting the Netanyahu faction, instead of just supporting them all evenly.

    • Hyperreality
      217 months ago

      I’m not surprised Biden was so resistant to changing his opinion on Israel


      It was apparent long before the 7 October Hamas terrorist attacks on southern Israel … that Netanyahu and Biden were barely on speaking terms. The usual White House invitation following last autumn’s election, which brought Netanyahu’s hard-right coalition to power, was withheld. … A principal reason was Biden’s disquiet over the extremist, anti-Palestinian policies espoused by the new government, notably in the occupied West Bank. Yet when Hamas attacked, Biden, being at heart a decent and honourable soul, set differences aside. His mistake, or perhaps his wilful self-deception, was to believe Netanyahu was a man of similar mettle … Yet this show of almost unconditional support was promptly interpreted by Netanyahu as carte blanche to do whatever he pleased in pursuing Hamas in Gaza. His main “achievement” to date, given that the terrorists remain undefeated, is an unprecedented slaughter of Palestinian civilians … Biden has slowly – far too slowly – adjusted his stance … Biden cannot continue to stand back or hide behind his officials. He must step in personally – and draw a line. What’s needed from the White House is less of the sympathetic uncle act, less of the soppy Joe, and more of the hard-headed pater familias and superpower commander-in-chief.


    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      127 months ago

      It’s more than supporting them all evenly. By supporting shielding Israel from the international community, the US indirectly supports the Israeli right wing, while the left wing theoretically doesn’t need to worry about international backlash.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      Yeah and I appreciate this extra because going hard anti Israel leaves room for the antisemites at the table. Condemning the aggressors of both sides is how we stand with those seeking peaceful coexistence.

  • blazera
    117 months ago

    Before anyone gets excited, its not denying visas to all west bank settlers, just ones that have been committing violence.

  • @[email protected]
    67 months ago

    They need to goddamn sanction 'Rael for this bullshit, its literally creating strife and PalestinianJoker for no damn reason. Fuck these Orthodox pieces of shit, the Lord needs to taketh away everything until they are stripped away of all their bullshit

  • @[email protected]
    -27 months ago

    The problem is the state actors in Gaza but they’re only penalizing settlers in the west bank. Netanhayu is right, America is Israel’s bitch