This will push a lot of them back towards the Greens I reckon.

    • DaveMA
      1 year ago

      I love the idea of NZ trialing a wide scale UBI. But my way of doing things probably would not be too easy for a political party to pick up.

      I’d like to try setting a UBI rate similar to benefits. Then remove all benefits (and super, etc), and cut lower tax rates to claim that same amount back as extra tax. Basically almost everyone is in exactly the same position as they were before, but now we can slim down WINZ to only deal with more targeted support (family support, accommodation supplements, etc).

      This would end up costing slightly more but in theory would be offset by reduced operational costs for WINZ.

      Now, don’t get me wrong, this is an idea not a policy, and I’m under no illusion that it wouldn’t fall apart under scrutiny. But I think it’s an idea worth exploring.

      But no one will vote for a party that promoses to leave you in the same state after the election as you were in before for the sake of a social experiment. So this is probably just a big dream that will stay in my head.

      I just love the idea of NZ being early adopters of large scale change.

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        1 year ago

        In this case, i would be for a ubi, but also, i dont see it necessary that everyone gets it. I dont need a ubi except for when i inevitably get made redundant again, but the job seeker is there for that.

        I do strongly think that tax should be removed from the first 15k and an extra bracket made at the top to compensate for the minor tax loss. This would really help the lower class and mildy inconvenience the upper (probably have to wait another month before buying a new super yacht) and the middle class gets a nice little rainy day fund going.

        • DaveMA
          1 year ago

          My plan is the UBI that benefits no one. Under my UBI policy, you don’t need a UBI and you only get one by having extra taxes leaving you in the same position.

          It’s all part of my master plan to get rid of WINZ, now there’s a policy people would vote for!

          But also, there’s evidence that targeted support often misses those that need it most. Feeding all kids in a school is more likely to be effective at feeding kids in poverty than trying to target just kids in poverty. The UBI is the same concept.

          • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
            1 year ago

            Hmm yes, true. Paint everyone with the same brush and no one… Falls… Through the cracks. I messed up that analogy somewhere.

            Yeah, i cant stand winz. The website says ‘check how much you might get!’ When applying for a benefit, like its a goddam raffle ticket or something.

            Im not trying to ‘get’ something WINZ, im just trying to survive!

            Alright, youve got my vote!

            • DaveMA
              1 year ago

              Haha I have to deal with WINZ occasionally and because it’s an edge case I try to explain things to them, they tell me I’m wrong, I point out the thing they think I’m supposed to do makes no sense given the circumstances, they tell me it doesn’t matter I have to do it anyway, I just do what they want even though it makes no sense, and every time I want to find the WINZ Reform Party and give them my vote.