• Ascrod@midwest.social
    10 months ago

    The bickering in this thread is just the latest example of how broken American politics is. There are no good candidates, only least bad ones, and we are forced into these shitty choices every single time because the people in power value profits over human rights and dignity.

    I’m voting Biden, but I’m not happy about it.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Gotta love the damned privs out here again to remind us all that white “leftists” have a collective memory of “as far back as I can go before I have to acknowledge that Republicans make things materially worse for the people I say I’m an ally to whenever they’re in power.”

    Hey you edgelord “genocide joe posters”, it’s me, an actual fucking palestinian here in america to tell you that the Republicans think the problem is that we’re not doing that shit here too.

    When Trump rides back into the whitehouse on the backs of your militant refusal of solidarity, it’ll be on you when some Trucknuts McGee bastard beats me in the streets, and tells me that my Sand N****r ass should be grateful that he didn’t bring a rope.

    It’ll be on you when Red States begin abolishing no fault divorce to trap women in abusive marriages because it made Steven Crowder big sad one time.

    It’ll be on you the next time a trans kid is faced with the choice to either run away or almost certainly die and absolutely be disowned.

    • Aabbcc@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      It’s a year out from the election. “I won’t vote for Joe” only means trump wins if democrats refuse to run a better candidate.

      Where the hate for the democrats running an unelectable demon?

      • FaeDrifter@midwest.social
        10 months ago

        Unfortunately the Overton window moves with the voters. Leftists boycott every election like it’s some kind of flex, but all the Democrats do is move further right to capture more right wing voters. Because why bother catering to leftists.

        Where the hate for the democrats running an unelectable demon?


        The bitter truth is that when only the worst people in America come out to vote, only the worst candidates are electable. Being a demon is a plus for electability.

        • SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social
          10 months ago

          but all the Democrats do is move further right to capture more right wing voters.

          That’s exactly the issue, innit? The Democratic Party doesn’t care about the issues or the vulnerable groups enough to stick to their principles, or try to figure out how to pull voters to the left. They care more about staying in power, and if that means throwing constituencies under the bus and moving right, they move right.

          • FaeDrifter@midwest.social
            10 months ago

            You’re way too idealistic about what politics is or should be.

            The DNC isn’t good, or moral, and that’s not it’s job. It’s a business, it only exists to be in power as a representation of the voters.

            The voters influence the parties. The DNC shouldn’t be trying to pull voters left. Voters need to be pulling the DNC left. If the most progressive candidates keep winning, if the most conservative candidates keep losing, it forces the entire Overton window left.

            And that’s really the dream, choosing the most progressive of two progressive candidates, not the least regressive of two regressive candidates.

            • SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social
              10 months ago

              Well, I must disagree. Factions in the Republican Party have been engaged in a decades-long campaign to pull voters to the right, starting with Sen. Barry Goldwater’s conservative movement, leading into the Reagan Revolution, the Contract with America era, the founding of Fox News as a propaganda arm of the party, the (astroturfed) Tea Party, and on to today. The notion that a national party organization exists solely as the Platonic embodiment of the will of the voters strikes me as quite idealistic.

              • FaeDrifter@midwest.social
                10 months ago

                If the GOP ia trying to move people right it’s is a complete failure though, isn’t it? Women’s rights are popular, LGBT rights are popular, inclusiveness is popular, religious affiliation is decreasing. Being conservative is uncool and unpopular.

                What the GOP succeeds at is undermining democracy so it can seize power with a minority. In fact, undermining democracy is the GOP’s only option, precisely because it fails so hard at pulling voters right.

                • SwingingTheLamp@midwest.social
                  10 months ago

                  That just doesn’t track history, though. Nixon did many things, like creating the EPA, that would be considered leftist today, not because he liked it, but because that was the political reality of the time. Then Reagan swept in on the Goldwaterite tide. Clinton overtly and explicitly moved right to steal conservative positions with his New Democrat movement.

                  Now we have a Democratic President breaking strikes as if he were ol’ Ronnie, and his supporters defending it because he got some minor concessions from the railroad for one of the unions involved. Even the signature achievement of Obama’s Presidency was a Heritage Foundation idea, pioneered as RomneyCare in Massachusetts.

                  We certainly have moved right in as a country in lots of ways, and somehow we’re on the verge of lots of people voting in a dictator.

      • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        You mean the guy who’s been negotiating the release of palestinians being held hostage in Israeli prisons, or the one who secured Palestinians the right to access their own natural resources?

        You’re the one who isn’t doing anything to help us by insisting we deserve to die by trump’s hand if you don’t get your demands met.

        How fucking dare you negotiate over the voices of the people most in need,

        If you really have the privilege to turn your nose up, doing so is betrayal, especially from someone who marches and says all the pretty words of being an ally.

        Dr. King was talking about your lot in Birmingham, all the performance of agreement, none of the work of solidarity.

        The other party believes the issue is that we don’t have a similar policy of genocide here in the states and you really wanna ask where the hate’s at for the party that doesn’t do that shit here? I’ll tell ya where it’s at, it’s with all the shit privs who can’t see past themselves to fucking know better.

        • Aabbcc@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          You mean the guy who’s been negotiating the release of palestinians being held hostage

          Lmao. The guy facilitating the sale of weapons to Israel?

          insisting we deserve to die by trump’s hand if you don’t get your demands met

          You seem to not understand what I’m saying. Demand better of the democratic party.

          [the hate for Dems is] with all the shit privs who can’t see past themselves to fucking know better.

          Hahaha Hahaha ok

          • Tinidril@midwest.social
            10 months ago

            Exactly how much influence over Israel’s actions do you think his administration would have if it took the kind of hard line you’re looking for?

            Israel has a far right xenophobic government and suffered a massive blow from Hamas. Short of invading Israel, there is nothing the US can do to prevent bloody retribution on Palestinians. By standing firm with Israel, we at least get a seat at the table to try and shape the response to reduce harm to civilians. We have actually had some success in that, though not as much as we would like.

            Meanwhile, we have this quote coming from Harris: “Under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza".

            That’s a damn strong signal to Israel that US support for Israel is being undermined by their actions. That is how you leverage a relationship towards a change in outcome. Biden actually has a seriously skilled foreign policy team that’s following the path most beneficial to Palestinians, not the one most aestheticly pleasing to Palestinian supporters.

            I’m a fierce critic of Biden, and I’m outraged that he decided to run again in 2024. Still, I think his administration has taken the right approach with Israel. I don’t think every step was handled perfectly, but the overall approach is correct, and he is doing it in the face of serious political backlash. That’s actually what leadership looks like.

            • Aabbcc@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              That’s a ton of words that don’t answer the question: why is Biden running again when he polls worse than “unnamed democrat”? Does he want to lose?

              Daily I see memes “you must vote Biden” and never memes saying “Biden should not run”. I can’t tell who’s stupid and who’s paid for

              Exactly how much influence over Israel’s actions do you think his administration would have if it took the kind of hard line you’re looking for?

              But I can’t even begin to understand what you mean when you say actually it’s good they sell weapons to Israel.

              • Tinidril@midwest.social
                10 months ago

                That’s a ton of words that don’t answer the question: why is Biden running again when he polls worse than “unnamed democrat”?

                It also doesn’t answer a whole lot of other questions that weren’t asked.

                Does he want to lose?

                How should I know? Almost certainly not?

                But I can’t even begin to understand what you mean when you say actually it’s good they sell weapons to Israel.

                Do you think that if we refused then they wouldn’t just go buy them elsewhere? It’s notable that, for the first time, conditions have been imposed on how the weapons can be used. The conditions aren’t as restrictive as they might be, but that’s another signal that our “unconditional support” of Israel is in jeopardy.

                We have always sold weapons to Israel. Stopping now wouldn’t impact the war, but it would destroy any influence we do have over Israel’s actions.