• @[email protected]
      567 months ago

      So, wait. You mean to tell me that, all this time, we’ve been paying for the privilege of entertaining them?

      …I’m actually OK with this.

    • Endorkend
      107 months ago

      Not per se, but they need stimulation and something to do.

      That’s why enrichment therapy is so important.

      Animals (including humans) don’t generally like their environment drastically changing.

      That’s why so many people get sick or depressed when they take long holidays or get fired/quit without money pressures (still do with money pressures, but then the illness and depression not only comes from the change of their environment, but also comes from money woes).

  • Devi
    87 months ago

    My local zoo in lockdown had local people take their ‘daily permitted walk’ inside the zoo so that the animals could see someone who wasn’t their keeper. It really helped them get through. I can’t say I disagree, family and friends taking their walk past my house was always a nice treat for me too.