Now that a lot of the commotion has subsided I’m just curious to know how y’all are finding the Lemmy experience in general and whether you use it regularly like you did reddit?

  • d3Xt3r
    1 year ago

    Going better than I expected, especially now that we have so many capable clients like Sync. I don’t miss Reddit at all, and I really like that there aren’t any annoying posters like Schnoodle and his circlejerking fanbois, or the LTT fanclub in subs like r/pcmr who’d downvote anyone who criticizes LTT, or Windows fanbois who’d always downvote anything Linux related (I also like that there’s a larger representation of Linux and OSS folks here which is awesome).

    I spend like an hour here daily and I’m looking forward to see how much it grows.